Secretary of State visting WZM S.A.
The way the Wolverine is built along with competency and experience of WZM allows restoration to service almost every vehicle that have been damaged - primarily damage caused by mines trap, a common weapon in asymmetric operations conducted in Afghanistan. WZM SA in 2010 rebuilt 7 AMV seriously damaged in Afghanistan. These experiences helped to define precisely the shape of the repair department, its equipment, helped to develop a technological and assessment process of reconstruction of damaged AMV.
Oct. 4 Deputy Defence Minister in charge of military technology, modernization and shopping - Marcin Idzik - took part in the opening ceremony.
Repair Division for AMV was established to be responsible for the comprehensive restoration of the technical parameters of vehicles that have been returned to the country after being damaged as a result of combat operations in Afghanistan. The technological process of repair involves disassembling of all parts of the vehicle, verification and damage assessment, then repair the hull along with performance and combat components in the department, as well as at WZM suppliers. The second step is the assembly of the vehicle connected to the step-by-step hand-over tests, which passes every new vehicle produced in the Military Mechanical Works before it is transferred to the Land Forces. All stages of repair and reconstruction of wolverines are conducted under the supervision of the Military Representatives District 33, which supervises the technological process and the final checks on behalf of the end-user. AMV Repair Division is equipped with the latest tools and equipment for testing, diagnosis, tests and test measurements.
Department later this year will renovate and give back into the hands of Land Forces further 7 AMV. Annually, the department will be able to verify the technical, dismantling, repair, restoration and testing at least 20 vehicles.
Building Wolverine Repair Division is an own initiative of WZM SA, who has use for the project 2.5 mln PLN. In 2010, WZM SA recorded a turnover of 660 mln PLN and operating profit of 30 mln PLN. Investment in infrastructure, technology and diversification are projects designed to strengthen the brand and the potential of WZM SA, and consequently the security of our country and allies.