The introduction of Rosomak (Polish: “Wolverine”) 8x8 Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carriers into the equipment of the Polish Armed Forces as a part of the KTO (Polish: Kołowy Transporter Opancerzony - Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier) programme is one of the key events related to the construction of a modern army, carried out over the last two decades. More than 900 deployed vehicles, numerous special versions and the verified capabilities of this platform in real combat conditions, combined with the guarantee of full logistical support, attest to the success of this product.
Despite the fact that many years have passed, the KTO Rosomak still remains a modern platform that can still be used for the effective implementation of our country's defence tasks for a long time to come. The potential of this design can be further utilised through the implementation of the Midlife Upgrade (MLU) programme. The MLU programme is the process of modernising, developing and supporting the operation of the Rosomak family of KTO vehicles used by the Polish Armed Forces. Its main objective is to extend the life of vehicles and to verify areas that can be optimised in the design, at the point in the product's life when this potential is the greatest. The key objective of the programme is to offer the user the optimal solution, with the best possible cost-effectiveness ratio.
Depending on the version of the vehicle, its main tactical tasks and sensitive areas for its continued operation, the user will be able to decide which elements from a given MLU package will be used.
The MLU programme is divided into 3 packages (levels). Each consists of different components (options) that can be individually selected for a specific vehicle, depending on current or projected needs.
MLU 1 is the basic package of the programme, the main objective of which is to extend the standard vehicle resurfacing by a further 10 years (from 30 to 40 years). It includes a comprehensive technical condition check, the replacement of all components subject to natural wear and tear, and the application of a basic upgrade package to increase the ergonomics and functionality of the vehicle, i.e. the so-called “face lift”. The basic upgrade means e.g. replacing the driver's hatch, LED exterior lighting, side mirrors or fitting reversing parking sensors.
MLU 2 is the programme level that enables a number of significant improvements to be made to the vehicle. As standard, the changes include all the elements of MLU 1, and additionally allow you to choose from the available options and to upgrade selected areas, depending on the needs of your vehicle.
The numerous options available for the MLU 2 include: increasing the volume of the crew compartment by extending the vehicle, increasing carrying capacity and displacement, using a new, more powerful engine, increasing ballistic resistance or, last but not least, using a landing ramp instead of a rear door.
The proposed changes outlined here and in the table may be expanded to include further options, according to the needs reported by the Polish Armed Forces. The list remains open.
MLU 3 is a package dedicated to vehicles that could be produced from scratch, e.g. in the event of an expansion of the Polish Armed Forces structures or the need to replenish combat losses. It therefore applies to brand new units. The range of available changes is the same as in MLU 2, but compared to vehicles currently in use in the Armed Forces, when new units are produced, many of the available options can be directly implemented already on the assembly line, significantly reducing the cost of the improvements.